Nwar, my animated detective cartoon series, continues to screen at the Upright Citizens Brigade's Channel 101 every month! Episode 3 just played at the UCB and was awarded 1st place (thanks to everyone who voted for it! Episode 4 is on the way!).
This episode is about kidnappings, catnappings, kids napping, and more.
Want to piece together the puzzle yourself? Here's a larger version of the conspiracy theory bulletin board, complete with a few hidden little jokes. Partly because I spent way too long drawing this for it to just appear for a few seconds in the episode.
Have you missed the first two episodes? Catch up on them here! And check out the YouTube channel for bonus mini episodes about socks and bombs!
...Also, I've been told that some people pronounce the show "En War." Sorry. It's pronounced the way it's spelled. Like "noir."
His first name is Phil.
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